Monday, September 14, 2015

Up Late

The Gospel Simplified

Before I start I just want to preface this with the fact that I am writing this at 1:00 AM.  Not often am I able to watch and Eagles game on Czech television so when the opportunity arises I cease it.  So because I will probably sleep a little bit longer I figured that I would try to be productive while I was up.  Alright, back to what's been gone on over the last week.  Last week I began to get back into my normal routine of working on my Czech lessons on a daily basis after doing my morning devotions.  After doing my Czech lessons I began working on my lesson for the youth group.  I decided to speak on the parable of the lost sheep and use it as a means to talk about what a person needs to do to have saving faith.  I spoke about God's love for His sheep and how He takes the time and seeks after each one until He finds them.  I wanted those who are believers to be encouraged by the knowledge that even if they are struggling that doesn't mean that they are not a believer because if they truly see themselves as sinners and recognize that Jesus died for them that they are saved.  They may drift away at times but God will always bring them back into the fold.  For those who are not believers I was able to stress the simplicity of the gospel and that it is not checking things off a list but resting in the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  I was a bit worried because as the week progressed it seemed as though the group would be a small one.  Several of the teens were away because of school trips, sports and illnesses but in the end the Lord brought those that needed to hear that message that night. I also got the opportunity to speak with several of the teens today both believers and non-believers and talked with them about their reactions to the talk.  Pray that the Lord might use these talks to draw people to himself.

Eliška led the games this week, one of which was a guess the next word in the story game.  She comes up with some pretty creative activities.  She will make a great Kindergarten teacher in the future.

Playing some cards together

If you haven't played the card game Bang, you should!

Preparing for a busy week

This coming week is a busy one.  Pastor Petr asked if I would preach this coming Sunday, so I have the responsibility to prepare for both that and the youth meeting.  The Lord has been so faithful in the process so far as the sermon is coming to me very quickly which will allow me more time to work on the youth lesson.  This week English conversation groups will also begin.  I have one on Tuesday afternoon with the teens and one on Thursdays evening with adults.  People seem to be very excited for the conversation groups to begin and have informed me that they have invited friends and co-workers to attend.  I will also begin teaching English to Klára's mother, Daša and her boyfriend this week on Wednesday evenings.  Please pray for my preparations for the sermon and youth lessons and that God might draw people to the church for the youth group or Sunday services through these conversation groups.

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