Monday, September 7, 2015

There and Back Again, A Missionary's Tale

Catching Everyone Up

It's been a while since the last time that I sent out an update but there have been many things that have occurred since my last post.  Since my last post we completed another very successful English Camp where Czechs learned more English, relationships were built and grown, games were played, the LORD was worshiped and the gospel was presented.  We had a teenage girl put her faith in Christ and several other young people recommit to following Jesus.  After the English Camp and the many sad goodbyes the team headed to Prague and then two days later, back to Pennsylvania, myself included.  It was interesting to see what a difference a year made in returning home.  I was freezing on the plane ride home because I stupidly wore shorts and a t-shirt but forgot that there would be air conditioning on the plane and that I had been without air conditioning for a year.  I needed three blankets and I was still cold.  Touching down in Philly was nice and to have my dad pick me, my mom, and several other team members up from the airport was an extra blessing.

Kuba and I at English Camp

Bohdana, Jess, and Anička at English Camp

Dominika and Emily

Matouš posing as Dawson tries to ignore the camera

While home I got the chance to spend time with my family either heading out to lunch or just hanging out around the house.  My parents also got some use out of me as I helped my dad rebuild our front porch for several days and I spent my last full day in the states visiting my mom's classes at Twin Valley on the first day of school.  I also spent time with friends spending the day playing Sport Toss on a warm Saturday afternoon, enjoying a tasty dinner and good conversation, or getting out on the links in an attempt to not embarrass myself.  I also spoke at CEFC on several occasions about my time in the Czech Republic and the English Camp.  It was wonderful to be home and enjoy some of the things that I love like food from the Elverson Deli or Twin Valley Coffee as well as spend time with people that I haven't seen face to face in more than year but a large part of my heart was still here in the Czech Republic.  I was in contact with teens from the English Camp and youth group almost everyday that I was home, encouraging them as they learn how to grow their faith into a way of life or listen to the ways in which God was working in their lives even during the three weeks that I was home.  So, even though saying goodbye to family and friends that I love was difficult I was excited to return to the Czech Republic when I boarded a plane on Tuesday September 1st.  

After a seven hour flight from Philly to London, a two hour layover, another two hour flight from London to Prague, and a three hour cross country train ride I found myself back in Ostrava being met by Pastor Petr with a ride back to my apartment.  It was nice to come in and find that some neighbors, who had been taking care of my flowers, had baked me a birthday cake and left a few presents on my dining room table.  After a quick shower and catching up with Matouš for a few minutes I went to bed and slept for 12 hours straight (I can never sleep on planes).  The following day it was right back to work, preparing a youth lesson for the following evening and reminding the group that we would be meeting.  I also traveled with Radim to pick up new drums for the youth band.  The church supported the group with some of the funds to purchase these new drums that will allow us to have drums each Friday night instead of only on special occasions.  On Friday night we had our first youth meeting of the year and those that could make it received a real treat because I brought a bunch of candy from the states to share with them.  Things that we can't get here like Twizzlers, and Peanut Butter M&M's.  On Saturday, I spent the day with many of the people of the church as there was a meeting of the Církev bratrská churches in the region.  I attended this meeting last year.  The highlight of the day is a soccer tournament between the churches in the afternoon.  Last year our team came in second, this year we brought back the trophy for first place.  I also got to spend a while speaking with one of the young ladies who came to the youth group only a handful of times last year and we spoke about how we could make her feel more comfortable to attend more often this year.  Please pray that this young lady would come to enjoy the love, truth, and community of Youth Revolution on a consistent basis.

Mom and Dad standing on the newly constructed front porch.

Chris, hard at work grilling up some burgers for people.

Eliška trying out the new drum set.

As most of you enjoy Labor Day back in the states I am trying to get back into my regular routine here.  I finally got the chance to do some really grocery shopping this afternoon so that I would have more than a couple of pieces of chicken and oranges in my refrigerator.  I have had several teens sign up for mid-week Bible studies, this is a huge answer to prayer.  Please continue to pray however that the Lord would provide wisdom as we organize these groups, find leaders, and determine what each group will study.  Pray also that these studies would be life changing for all involved and draw each person closer to the Lord.  I have also had several people ask when the English conversation groups would begin again as well as some new people interested.  Please pray that we would begin well and that the word about these groups would spread quickly.  I have also begun speaking with several of the teachers from the church here again about visiting their schools and I have been happy to hear that their students have asked if I could come and visit again this year.  Pray that the Lord would open up the doors of many other schools that I would get the opportunities to build new relationships and grow old ones through these school visits that some of these teens might come and join our youth group and maybe even the church.  Our Lord is infinitely powerful to provide for all of these requests and far more.  Please continue to join me in prayer for the people of the Czech Republic, in particular the teens that I have the privilege of serving.

In Christ's Power

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