Monday, February 2, 2015

Six Months

Shall We Dance?

It is kind of hard to believe that I have already been in the Czech Republic for six months.  I think that I have learned a lot more about the culture around me; where different shops are, what buses take you there, and some of the personality of the people of this country.  I am working on the language but it is one of the toughest to learn in the world.  And this is coming from the mouths of Czech people.  Probably the thing that has grown the most here are the relationships that I have built.  Two of the people that I have gotten a chance to know a little better are Patrik and Tána. They have been a big part of the youth program through leading worship and attending pretty much every week but last week they invited me to take part in another aspect of their lives, dancing.  Patrik and Tána have been taking part in a dance class that is taught by the most well known classical dancer in the Czech Republic.  Patrik has been taking classes for several years and so he is an assistant in these classes.  They invited me to performance on Thursday and I was happy to think that they thought to invite me.  Here are a few pictures.

The Newly Created Youth Revolution Band

Radim, has been helping with the youth group over the last few months and as he has been considering how God would like him to serve he has been led to take his knowledge of and education in music and help to create a youth band.  They had their first practice this week.  Pray for Radim and this group as they grow in their knowledge of what it means to worship, as they grow in skill learning the songs and grow as a group.

This is the group currently with what was supposed to be serious faces.  Some do it better than others.  Patrik, Tána, Bára, Radim, and Eliška.

Two New Visitors to Youth Revolution

The youth group has been doing well since it began in September.  Most of the teens come as often as they can so if they are health and home they usually spend their Friday night with us.  This has been great and the group is continuing to grow to know one another better.  The group has not grown a lot in number but a few people have invited friends to the group.  This past week, Barča invited her friend from school.  Nikča is the young lady on the left.  I really enjoyed getting to know her a little bit with the help of her friend.  She told me that she really enjoyed my teaching but she is very shy.  Her friend Barča has come to love being part of our group and has grown a lot in the last few months.  It is great to see her excited about the group and willing to bring new people into it.  Please pray that Nikča would consider hanging out with us again and pray that Barča would continue to grow in her boldness to invite others.

Our other visitor was Radim's wife, Mila.  She, like Radim has been praying that the Lord would direct her as to how she can best serve Him.  Mila is a teacher that works with students between the ages of 12-15 in a town about 30 minutes from Ostrava.  We have been praying that the Lord would send us a woman who is skilled with working with teens as well as one that has a heart for it.  We really would like the help of a woman because right now we just have three men and there are just some ways that we can never fully relate to all the young ladies that we have in the group.  Mila is still considering whether she will join the group on a regular basis.  Please pray for her as she prays and considers whether this is what the Lord is calling her to do.  After a long week of teaching kids spend Friday night with more kids can be tough pray for wisdom as she considers this possible calling.

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