Visiting Mila's School
On Friday morning, I got the opportunity to visit Mila's school once again. In late September or early October I had the opportunity to meet with four or five English classes taught by either Mila or her colleague. I spoke about American culture and gave them the opportunity to ask me questions and use their English skills with a native speaker. When I went to visit again on Friday, I got to meet with three other classes that had not had the opportunity to meet with me the first time. Just as I am shy to speak Czech, worrying that I will sound like an idiot, many of these kids have the same fears about speaking English with a native speaker. Many of the kids did not speak much this time but one of the classes that I met with last time saw me come into the school and begged their teacher throughout the day to let me visit their class again. I was up for it and their teacher thought it was alright so I went to their class again. It was great because I had been their before. I didn't have to present anything we just caught up with each other. They remembered answers to questions that they had asked last time and built on those questions as well as just ask me how my holidays had been and places that I have visited within the country. Afterwards many of the kids asked for my Facebook information and this weekend I was flooded with many friend requests from kids within the school. Pray that the Lord would use these opportunities as a means to spread His word to these kids and that they might even possibly join us on Friday nights at the youth group. Pray also that the Lord would open up more doors for me to be able to meet with students from other schools, maybe even on a regular basis.
Mila and one of her classes.
Me with Mila's class.
Me and the guys that begged their teacher to let me visit their class again.
Friday Night's Meeting
This Friday night, we had a smaller group at youth group. I spoke on the life of Joseph and about God's ability to work all things toward His good and perfect plan. We broke up into small groups to discuss some things during the talk and afterward. For my and Radim's group it was like pulling teeth to get the teens to talk a bit so, pray that the teens would be more open to talk in the future and that they would hear and understand the things that are being spoken about on Friday nights. One thing to praise the Lord for, Mila has agreed to be part of our leadership team for the youth group. Hooray!!!
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