Sunday, August 10, 2014

English Camp Under Attacks from the Devil

Theft at the English Camp

For the first time in English Camp history here in the Czech Republic we are dealing with the theft of several items including laptops and money from several of the rooms at the camp.  As many of you may already know, none of the items that were taken were from the American Team's rooms but we hurt with our Czech brothers and sisters as they deal with the frustration of having their space violated and some of their possessions taken.  We spent time praying for the situation as a team that the Lord would not allow these thefts to sour the Kingdom that He is growing here in the Czech Republic.  While sitting around a campfire, both a Czech sister and Naomi Jackins put this theft and other obvious examples of sin to the true state of our hearts.  That although we desire justice from this situation we always want our true and great Judge to be merciful when it comes to our sins.  Please pray that the Lord would take even this blatant attack from Satan and turn it on its head and use it to bring unbelievers to Him.

Worship Our Great God

Pavel, the leader of the Czech worship band, praising the Lord.  His enthusiasm for worship is contagious.  It is so easy to worship even when you don't understand half of the words that are being sung.  Pray that those that don't believe in Jesus currently would be hungry to truly worship with the meaning of these words in their hearts.

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