Spreading the Gospel Abroad
As I sit here on this cold January evening in Ostrava, I'm reminded of all the places that are not only cold physically but also the places that are cold spiritual. There are so many places that need to feel the warmth and comfort of the love of Christ and the Czech Republic is one of those place. In a few short days, several people that I am very close to will be traveling from Elverson, Pennsylvania to Uganda to spread the love of Christ to the children of Good Shepherd's Fold. These children feel the love of Christ through the work of those at the orphanage and will also receive it from this team from Elverson. Not only is the gospel spreading to Africa but it is also spreading to Russia by means of a young woman from Církev bratrská, named Eva. A little more than a week ago, the church here encouraged and commissioned Eva as she leaves to serve in the Siberian area of Russia for at least two years. I am not certain how much I can say about the mission but it is wonderful to see the Lord calling people all over the world and the way that He can take a love for a culture and a people and use it for His purposes to spread His truth. Please be praying for this team from Elverson over the next week and a half as well as for Eva as she begins this new part of her life.
Eva's Commissioning
Kuba being his weird self.
In the middle of a battle of ninja, one of our favorite games.
One of the five classes that I spoke to in Bílovec (Not Táňa's class)
Eva's Commissioning
Continuing the Uphill Climb
The work with Youth Revolution continues to be difficult but worth it. It has been wonderful to see the spiritual growth of a few of the teens as they seek to know Christ better but there are some that are still unsure whether the Bible is true and others who seem to be running from God. This past Friday, I spent the evening telling the group about how I pray for them consistently, for their health, relationships, families, friendships, school work, but most importantly about their faith. I know that different teens are different places along their journey to God and I don't know how uncomfortable lessons like this make some of the people but I think that it is important for them to know that I am battling for them in prayer along with many of you. Pray for these young people, that they would have their hearts and minds opened to the love of God and their need for a Savior. Pray that the Lord would continue to give me wisdom as I lead this group and prepare weekly lessons. Pray also that God would open my eyes to see His work in their lives so that I might draw some extra encouragement from it. I know that the Lord is working in many mysterious and invisible ways and I trust that He is Good. One thing that you can rejoice along with me about is the fact that Katka has begun coming to the youth meetings. She has recently become a believer and has been studying with Petr but this is the first regular meeting that she has attended. Pray that she would continue to come and grow in her newly found faith and that she would become more and more comfortable with the others in the group.
Kuba being his weird self.
In the middle of a battle of ninja, one of our favorite games.
Radim being Radim
New Places for School Visits
This past Friday morning, I took a bus to Bílovec, the town of Kuba, Patrik, Táňa and Eliška. Táňa invited me to speak at her school and it turned out to be a wonderful experience. I got to meet some new people and the teachers and students were very happy to have me there and would love for me to visit again. I will be visiting another school this week. Please pray that the Lord would use these visits to bring people to the youth group and more importantly to faith in Christ. They get to learn that I am here serving at a church, that I am a Christian, and that I am not some weirdo, at least as far as they can tell...
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