Monday, June 15, 2015

Putting Down Roots

Putting Down Roots

On Saturday afternoon I decided to buy some pots, dirt and flowers to add a little color to my balcony.  I decided to make my apartment feel a little more like home since I got the news that I would be here for at least another year of ministry.  On Thursday I received the documentation from the Czech government to allow me to stay here for up to two years without having to renew the permit.  I don't know what the Lord's plan will be for my time here beyond next year but knowing that I won't have to worry about that kind of documentation for a long time is a nice feeling.  I still have a way to go if I am going to keep up with a few of my elderly female neighbors when it comes to balcony flowers, but its a good start.

Filling In

Over the past week I was very busy preparing for Sunday's sermon.  Because of I needed to focus on the sermon and prepare for some of my other weekly responsibilities like English conversation groups I asked Radim if he would be willing to teach the lesson at youth group on Friday.  This isn't something that he is very comfortable doing but he was willing to be used by the Lord and so agreed to teach.  So on Friday evening Radim spoke to our group for a change and did a great job.  We also enjoyed some games together but it was hot so I was happy to just relax and talk with people.

Please be praying for the teens of the youth group over the next few weeks as they finish up their school year.  Pray that they would be able to remain focused and finish the year well.  Pray also that we would enjoy our time together this summer before the English Camp and the many vacations that the different families will enjoy.

A Busy Sunday

When I first found out that I would be preaching a little more than a week ago I thought that it would be the perfect opportunity to have Barča and Nikča visit the church for the Sunday service.  Barča has been coming almost every week to the youth group on Fridays but had only attended the Sunday service a couple of times in the beginning of the year with her cousin Lenka as well as last week when she came on her own.  Nikča has been attending the youth group for the past four months or so off and on but recently has not been able to make it but had yet to attend the Sunday service.  So I invited the two of them as well as Radim and Míla to join me for lunch before the service.  It was great to spend some time with them and enjoy some good food, good conversation, and some fun games.  I also got a chance to get a little more insight into the Bible study that Míla, Barča and Nikča have been doing together.  Pray for their continued growth in their faith as they look to practically apply some lessons from James.

Barča, Míla and Nikča

After hosting Radim and the ladies for lunch I gave the sermon.  Thank you for all of you who were praying for me as I prepared.  It took a long time to organize my thoughts on the subject of suffering.  There is so much that can be said but I only had 20 minutes to speak.  I could feel the Lord working during times last week when I wrestled with what to say and how to say it.  Pastor Petr Polách usually translates for me when I speak to the church or to the youth group but he was unable to be there this week.  So Pavel, one of the elders of the church and the father of Eliška and Táňa translated for me and I was thankful for his assistance.  I was thankful that the Lord was able to use the sermon to speak to hearts of the people of the church.  Pray for those who are suffering right now as they endure for the glory of God.

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