Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Soccer Games, Testimonies, and Seniors

Supporting the Teens

One of the things that I have always enjoyed about being a youth leader is being able to see the teens in their element.  Seeing them not just week after week at church but being invited to school plays and concerts, hockey games both ice and field basketball, football, volleyball, baseball, and my favorite sport soccer.  Since being here in the Czech Republic I have been invited to dance performances and now soccer games.  Matouš, the son of Pastor Petr, plays soccer on two different teams and things worked out so that I was able to attend one of the games last week.  I also got to see one of Matouš' friends and teammate Andy, whom I met several weeks ago.  Pray that God would use these seemingly little things like going to soccer games and dance performances and further His kingdom through them.

Matouš on the left and Andy on the right.  Andy's father is Cuban and his mother is Czech.

Youth Revolution

One of the things that is part of the training for the Czech Team for the summer English Camp is to be able to and comfortable with giving your testimony.  Almost four summers ago I gave my testimony during one of the evening sessions at the English Camp here in the Czech Republic.  Some of the teens from the group were there to hear it but it was four years ago and there were many who had not heard the story of Christ working in my life.  I tried to add a lot of pictures and some extra information to make it a little different for those who had heard it previously.  Because it was longer and teenagers tend to have a shorter attention span I split the talk into two parts.  In the middle we took a break to play a few games of Mafia.  Pray that the Lord would use His story in my life to draw people closer to Himself.  Pray also that it might open up doors for discussion with the teens as they see little similarities between their life experiences and my own.

Bárča, Nikča and Eliška having a laugh while playing Mafia.

Patrik hoping that he won't be killed in the Mafia game while he sleeps.

I was probably already killed in the game.  Just having a laugh with Matouš.

Visiting Some Graduating Seniors

On Sunday afternoon, Renča, a woman from the Poruba church, asked me if I could come to her school on Monday and meet with some of her Senior classes.  They have their final high school classes today and tomorrow before they begin taking exams both to complete high school and to get into different universities.  These exams will take place over the next three weeks or so and this a both an exciting time and a stressful time for seniors.  Renča wanted to give her students a fun day on the last day that she had them in class.  So on Monday I spoke with these students about many different things about myself and the United States.  Students tend to be a bit shy thinking that their English is not very good but it was still a good time.  Several students bravely asked me questions and kept the discussion going.  Pray for these students as the vast majority if not all of them are non-believers.  I gave them my Facebook information so please pray that they would reach out to me so that they might come to visit our English Camp, English conversation group or Youth Group.  Some photos below show the two classes that I visited Monday.

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