Friday, September 12, 2014

A Short Update and a Prayer Request for Tonight

A Short Update

The view from my balcony.

Over the last couple of days I have been working on putting together a sermonette for the English Camp Reunion for the teens from the camp which will take place tonight.  This has been particularly difficult because I was asked to continue off of Jim's sermon from when the team was here.  As some of you may agree, it is much easier for me to come up with an original idea or focus and go from there than it is work off of someone else's idea regardless of how good of an idea it is.  I was also able to spend some time this week with brothers and sisters from the church.  I was able to have lunch with Radim.  He is like a funnier older brother.  During our time out I was able to find a book store that actually sold books in English as well as another where I was able to find some Czech language learning lessons for beginners.  Last night, I was able to spend some time with some of the sisters from the church as they invited me out to see the Janacek Philharmonic Orchestra perform music from movies.  It was pretty amazing and my first experience at the orchestra.  Plus it was pretty sweet to hear them play the song for Harry Potter.

A Prayer Request for the Evening

Please pray for the teens that will be attending this reunion from the English Camp.  There may possibly be some new people who come to check it out plus I will be delivering a message about Christ and what he did for us on the cross.  Pray that the message would reach the hearts of each person in the room in someway and that at least one might come to Him this very night.  We will also be inviting the teens to join us each Friday night as our youth group will begin.  The reunion will begin at 6:30 Czech time which is 12:30 EST.  If you see this and can pray for it before lunch I would be grateful.


  1. Your view looks great. At the next concert, yell out "FREE BIRD". They will love it.
    In Him,
    Jere Scott

    1. Thanks man. It is surprising how quiet it is here at night. Especially because it is the third biggest city in the country.

  2. How did it go? Praying for God to work in hearts & bring teens out to the Friday nights.
