Monday, February 12, 2018

Late January and Early February Update

Viewing Christ Throughout the Bible

Over the last few weeks, we have continued our study at Youth Revolution looking at how the whole Bible works together and points to Christ.  I think for many of the youth this is something that they are thinking about for the first time.  Most recently, we have considered how Christ is the fulfillment of the Law and how Christ is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  In considering these things we have been able to talk about why the law was given, how Christ fulfilled the law through his life, death and resurrection and what that means for humanity.  We were also able to look at the some of the kings of the Old Testament, their successes and failures.  We considered how the Israelites rejected God as their king so that they could be like the other nations.  We considered the characteristics that God looks for in a king.  We spoke about God's promise to David and how that is fulfilled in Jesus.  And we spoke about how the kingdom of God began to be established during the ministry of Christ and how Revelation shows us that Christ will ultimately win and establish his eternal kingdom.  These things reveal both wonderful and difficult truths and draw a distinct line between right and wrong, good and evil.  Please pray that these lessons would not only be informative, but that they would be heart changing.  Pray also for Robert and I as we prepare these lessons from week to week that the Holy Spirit would speak through us and that they would pierce the hearts of each person to meet them where they are.
Below are a few photos from the last couple of youth meetings.

School Visits and Growing English Conversation Groups

As usual, my weeks here are a mixture of teaching English in different ways and teaching God's word.  The school visits have been much the same as usual, but the English conversation group for teens has been growing over the last few weeks.  The conversation group for adults has always been something that was well attended from week to week, but the teen group has been a struggle resulting in a group of two or three or with me waiting there alone, just in case someone would show up late.  Over the last few weeks this has changed.  Since the end of November, a young man named Petr, cousin to Eliška and Táňa, has been attending regularly.  We got to know each other a bit better when he attended our youth retreat and he was very impressed with Kuba's ability to communicate in English. A week later, two girls from one of the schools that I regularly visit came to the conversation and seemed to really enjoy it.  One of them has returned week after week and began bringing her boyfriend as well.  And just two weeks ago, I received an email from one of the teachers with whom I work and he told me that two girls from one of his classes wanted to attend as well.  So last Tuesday we had our largest Teen Conversation group ever with a group of about seven people.  Everyone seemed to really enjoy it.  Please pray that they would continue to attend and that it might lead to some of them joining us for the English camp this summer and maybe even attending the youth group.  Pray also that even now, God would be drawing people to come to the English camp this summer.  I have already had several teachers asking about the camp as parents are looking for opportunities for their children to improve their English.  God has really blessed the camp over the years and He continues to do so.  Praise the Lord!
Below are couple of photos from a recent school visit when I was in Klára and Terka's class

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